Georgia A. Hubley
Not that the story need be long,
but it will take a long while to make it short.
– Henry David Thoreau


Georgia Hubley writes nostalgic and inspirational non-fiction stories as well as flash fiction. She enjoys sharing remnants of her life, including memories, superstitions and tall tales from her childhood spent on a 70-acre Ohio farm without the modern conveniences of indoor plumbing, electricity, or a telephone. Therefore, she became an avid reader. Her Dad encouraged her to let her imagination run amuck…hence she became a writer.
Once launched into adulthood and with a family of her own, she moved west when her husband’s tour of duty in the Air Force ended. She retired from 20 years in financial management in Silicon Valley to write fulltime. Her pieces appear in various anthologies, national magazines and newspapers. Once the nest was empty, Georgia and her husband relocated to the desert and hang their hats in Henderson, NV.